Recovery Session

These sessions help you feel better, move better, and perform better.

Recovery sessions alleviate sore, achy muscles, promote better mobility, prevent future injury, help you recover from workouts faster, and maximize your wellness.

Treatments Offered

  • Massage

  • Dry Needling

  • Spinal Adjustments

  • Manual Stretching

  • Percussion Therapy

Benefits of a Recovery Session

A recovery session allows you to be proactive with your health. Benefits include:

  • Alleviating general soreness and tightness

  • Recovering from workouts faster

  • Improving mobility and range of motion

  • Decreasing risk of future injury

  • Maximizing performance

Who is it For?

Recovery sessions are beneficial for a wide range of individuals. Unlike traditional physical therapy, recovery sessions do not require you to have a specific injury. These sessions are particularly helpful for those that:

  • Have general soreness or tightness after a stressful week

  • Want to prevent future injury

  • Workout regularly

  • Are training for competition